Hovenweep National Monument

Hovenweep is a collection of towers where the ancestors of Pueblo tribes lived over 700 years ago! The towers are square, round and D-shaped, and sit on the edge of a canyon:

They have a 2-mile trail that allows you to walk around the canyon and get close to the different towers. This is called Stronghold House because it looks like a fortress, although there is no indication that it was designed this way for defense:

Here is a picture of Hovenweep House:

And here is a house that was built on a boulder:

Here are the twin towers:

And in the distance we could see Sleeping Ute Mountain:

There were very few people here when we visited, so it was a peaceful hike, and allowed time to wonder why they built their homes in such precarious places! There is no definite reasons of why the ancestral Pueblo people left this site in the 1200s, but it is amazing to see these structures!

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